The doors of Holy Cross are open to visitors and worshipers so anyone can make a visit, light a candle, pray, or join in services.
The worship of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is at the heart of our life at Holy Cross. For full details of service times, please see the calendar on this website.
Through our shared discipline, we contribute to the rhythm of prayer of the Church throughout the world.
Our major service each week is the celebration of Holy Eucharist celebrated on Sunday mornings at 10.30am in English. Please allow time when you attend to join us for refreshments and fellowship afterwards. The Mass usually lasts about one hour and fifteen minutes.
On most Wednesdays Mass is celebrated in English at 9AM.
Twice a month Mass is celebrated in Italian on Friday evening at 7PM.
Holy Cross is a diverse and inclusive congregation, which includes local residents and those who work around us, lots of visitors from all over the world, as well as many regular, long-standing members of the congregation who travel to us from all over Palermo and well beyond.
All people are welcome to our fellowship and invited to share our common life of worship and prayer. Families and children are always welcome.

First-time visitors
If you are planning on visiting Holy Cross to worship, perhaps for the first time, why not let us know in advance? We look forward to welcoming you. This website will give you all the most up to date information on Masses and special services. Please always feel confident to contact the Chaplaincy (+39 091.581.435) or the Clergy if you have any questions about attending Holy Cross. We try our best to be a welcoming congregation. After Mass, there is always hospitality and a chance to meet. We would encourage you to introduce yourself to a member of the Clergy, the Churchwardens or members of the congregation.
Children are very welcome at Holy Cross. Please ask if you would like colouring books and crayons. You are always most welcome to sit as a family in the nave and step outside during the service should you need to. It is not a distraction.
Worshippers and visitors with disabilities are most welcome at Holy Cross. If you require any assistance to make the most of a visit to Holy Cross, it would be helpful (though it is not essential) to contact the Parish Office first to ensure that we can make any special arrangements you may feel are necessary. Disabled visitors who have not contacted us in advance are still most welcome, and please feel confident to ask our Sidespeople for assistance on arrival.
If you are unable to get to the altar rail to receive the Sacrament, please tell one of the Sidespeople and they will make sure the Clergy bring the Sacrament to you at your seat during Communion.